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eth connection

Started by carlo, April 11, 2016, 09:04:06 AM

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just turned this machine on:
i could access the nas, the modem, the router and the printer, but not the outer world
while my mobile, linked in wifi, nicely reaches the outer world


Hi Carlo,

OK... so definitely a WAN problem and not a LAN problem.

How do you access the internet ? With a router or with a deivce directly plugged into your computer ?



there's the modem, which is linked with a cable to the router, and my pc is linked to the router with a cable

the modem is a very loosy one, provided by my isp, i cannot change it and it's working as a router as well, otherwise the nas is not reachable form the outer world
i had to add a router who works as an access point to that thingy because the modem isn't supporting many cabled connections at once and because the modem doesn't seem to appreciate the powerlines...

hope i've been celar enough


Hi Carlo,

Well, can't say that I understood what your config looks like really...
But that is not important.

The important part is that your machine does not seem to be connected to your modem directly.

I would try to connect the modem directly into the computer to see eliminate the possible causes of problems one after the other...

And of course, if your modem also has a router, make sure I can ping that and that the router is correctly configured...

Here's an example : my machine just froze (really, not Sparky though).
On reboot, my openssh-server did not start again ?
Why ? Because it seems the freeze screwed my network config a little... so had to reconfigure the router to redirect the ports as it should...




actually it all went ok till i have updated the router and had to hard reset the modem
i actually do not know how i should modify routers' settings, maybe i should try to make some mess when i'm not linked to the outer world?
what really pisses me off is that on the very same machine if i start windows or puzzle linux it works, if i start sparky not


Hi Carlo,

If you can access the outer world with Windows or another Linux Distro, and if your problems arose after you had to hard reset the router, then we're moving forwards.

Go to your other Linux machine and check it's connection settings... and you shoud find out if it connects to the router over DHCP or if you entered the LAN IP address locally.
Write down those settings and apply them into Sparky.

If you're connected with DHCP, look down the router address and try to access it with your browser. And look at the router's settings. That may help also.

In case it's needed, simply clear your Ethernet connection, and replace it with a spanking new one :-)



hi Nexus, thank you for your concernment

problem isn't with this machine, but with sparky on this machine only: all of the other machines, and puzzle linux and windows which are installed on this computer can access the internet without issues
i've never set an ip manually at home, though i tried to do it with the modem, but it's impossible as far as i can tell
now i've run from terminal sudo dhclient and connection started working

i have a little suspect:
on the modem there's my ip which says it's dchp lease infinite
on the router i've clicked on lock this address to my mac so that i hope to keep that address even if the modem dhcp reboots or whatever
now i start thinking this might give some issues between modem and router


maybe pav was right and it's kernel fault:

i have started some kernel version which conflicted with nvidia, and from the terminal i had to give dhclinet, nevertheless i've upgraded the system and i've installed the  new kernel

i've booted it twice, and internet started working from the very beginning.. let's hope!


All vain.. i think quickest solution is to format, but i'm too lazy to do it right now.., so i'll bear this issue for some more


MAYBE the solution has come

yesterday i've updated cinnamon control center, and since then seems like lan is working fairly from the very boot now..
i've tried to reboot four or five times so far and it hasn't failed yet.. let's hope

EDIT 25th of MAY:
Things have improved but not solved: so far it failed "only" twice
and i'm too lazy to format


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