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custom SparkyLinux ISO that made the locale of the correspondence is in English

Started by balloon, January 03, 2016, 03:50:10 PM

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I have recently used the Custom ISO Builder, attempts to ISO generation of Japanese users.

First of all I am trying to generate the custom ISO in SparkyLinux.
I went the chroot, and execution of locale-gen and change of /etc/default/locale.
However, ISO generated by this is output in English.
I have added "locale" of the options in GRUB to try. but still it does not improve.

Do you have suggestions for this problem?


To change the default locale do:
dpkg-reconfigure locales
Uncheck en_US.UTF8 and check yours - ja_JP.
The target system should has 1 locale configured only to start new iso with it.

There is a problem with the live installer - it crashed if live iso runs with different locales than English, but the old installer works fine with any.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


I think it also has already tried. But it does not improve.
(I forgot to perform the described...)

There is a problem with the live installer - it crashed if live iso runs with different locales than English, but the old installer works fine with any.
When I tried, it did not encounter a crash. It may be a condition other than the locale.


I made a test and I have to confirm - it can't be done this way.
I suggest to install sparky on a virtual machine or a additionl partition with your locales.
Then install fonts, fcitx, live-installer, sparky-backup-sys and add grub-efi files as the Sparky-backup-sys info says to your home directory.
Then build a new iso from the installed system. 

If any problems, just let me know.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


I tried some of the distributions ISO over a period of several days, make specific this problem.


I was able to solve this problem today.
Set in the locale the boot options in Debian live:
It was able to liveboot SparkyLinux in Japanese to do this.

This is a particularly effective means "Rescue" ISO.


After that, I was further investigated.
As a result, I found that it is possible to add the LOCALES to the /etc/live as a set of Live user.


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