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Sparky installer hangs after entering username

Started by Rainmaker, August 11, 2015, 09:04:58 PM

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I am trying to install Sparky 4.0 MATE x64 onto my desktop machine:

AMD FX8350
Asus M5A99X Evo r2.0 (UEFI)
TeamGroup Vulcan RED 16GB DDR3 1600MHz
AMD Radeon R9 380 4GB graphics
Samsung Evo 850 256GB SSD
2TB Toshiba 7,200rpm hdd

After opening the SparkyLinux installer (not the old one), I select the language, keymap and timezone. Next is the screen to enter a username and hostname. On completing those steps and clicking 'Next' the partitioning screen is supposed to appear.

Unfortunately nothing happens after clicking 'Next', the installer just hangs forever then goes blank:

Does anyone have any ideas or help please? I'd much rather install Sparky than LMDE2 or Ubuntu (LMDE2 is nice but is based on Jessie/stable - with such a high end desktop I'd rather have the newer kernel, MESA and drivers Sparky provides from Testing).

I installed the same ISO perfectly in a virtual machine, but it fails on bare metal.
Thanks. :)


The live installer has problems on some kind of strange? partition tables.
I can do nothing now, sorry.
Mayby it's time to build and try Calamares...
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Quote from: pavroo on August 12, 2015, 01:07:56 AM
The live installer has problems on some kind of strange? partition tables.
I can do nothing now, sorry.
Mayby it's time to build and try Calamares...

Thanks anyway.

I managed to bypass the hang by looking up the PID for live-installer. I issued sudo kill [PID] and the installer moved forward to GParted. I installed Sparky (shrinking Windows 8.1 partition to make space for a EFI partition and / partition) and away it went.... Until it rebooted and said no bootable disk found. Doh.

Windows DVD can't fix the boot manager even after deleting all Linux partitions, so I've had to wipe the drive. Maybe now I can install Sparky after all lol


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