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steam errors in 32bit openbox [SOLVED]

Started by Lizbeth, April 19, 2015, 02:50:56 AM

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Running Steam on sparky 3 32-bit
STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1428965940)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1428965940)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1428965940)
Fontconfig error: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf", line 70: non-double matrix element
Fontconfig error: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf", line 70: non-double matrix element
Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf", line 78: saw unknown, expected number
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1428965940)
Steam: An X Error occurred
X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)
Major opcode of failed request:  157
Serial number of failed request:  41
xerror_handler: X failed, continuing
Steam: An X Error occurred
X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)
Major opcode of failed request:  156
Serial number of failed request:  42
xerror_handler: X failed, continuing
Steam: An X Error occurred
X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)
Major opcode of failed request:  156
Serial number of failed request:  43
xerror_handler: X failed, continuing
Steam: An X Error occurred
X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)
Major opcode of failed request:  156
Serial number of failed request:  44
xerror_handler: X failed, continuing
glXChooseVisual failedAssert( Assertion Failed: Fatal Error: glXChooseVisual failed ):/home/buildbot/buildslave_steam/steam_rel_client_ubuntu12_linux/build/src/steamUI/Main.cpp:284

Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1428965940)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamwebhelper)/version(20150413151658)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamwebhelper)/version(1428938218)
assert_20150418204917_6.dmp[24858]: Uploading dump (out-of-process)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamwebhelper)/version(20150413151658)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamwebhelper)/version(1428965940)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamwebhelper)/version(1428965940)
assert_20150418204917_6.dmp[24858]: Finished uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = yes
assert_20150418204917_6.dmp[24858]: response: CrashID=bp-bfdfee7a-268f-4c3f-9529-638ad2150418
assert_20150418204917_6.dmp[24858]: file ''/tmp/dumps/assert_20150418204917_6.dmp'', upload yes: ''CrashID=bp-bfdfee7a-268f-4c3f-9529-638ad2150418''

i also get a popup on screen that says glxchoosevisual failed

any ideas how to proceed?


If anyone is reading this:

my hard drive was wiped out after trying to install frugalware on my gpt drive.  i lost everything 1 gig of data all my distros (9) that i had installed.  I started over.

This time when i started over i installed steam according to the instructions here:  https://wiki.debian.org/Steam  and there was not any problems with steam.

Previously i had installed pipelight first.  then i had all the errors above.

Does anyone care to play to see if indeed installing pipelight first then installing steam causes the errors above?  Im using amd.com drivers for my apu with a 6520g on die with 512 mb ram.  my a6 cpu has 6 gigs ram.  Could all the things i did to make pipelight work caused errors for steam?

who wants to play?


I will try it tonight and be back.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


So I am back Lizbeth.
I spent one hour fighting with that, it really drives me crazy :)
I don't think it a problem with pipelight.

Problem with Steam is it makes libstdc++ spare symlink which doesn't let to launch steam.
I even couldn't install download and install the steam client.
Some files have been downloaded but not all of theme.
So I removed (moved as back file):
user@localhost:~/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu$ mv libstdc++.so.6.0.18 libstdc++.so.6.0.18.bak

Removed its symlink:
user@localhost:~/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu$ rm libstdc++.so.6
After that it let me run the steam installer and install the client.
Unfortunately, after installation I had to remove the libstdc++ file and the symlink again.
After that I could launch steam client normally.

I am not sure is the same problem on your machine, just I posted it here in a case.

The problem with glxchoosevisual you mentioned, is known in the net, for example:

Let me know does it help you or not.

I added pipelight repos and the public key to all sparky spins.

p.s. 2
I have installed steam on 64 bit machine
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


THanks for having a go at it.  I have tried it again installing pipelight first and steam gave me all the errors again.  You know better than I what files are a problem.  I have a hard time tracking that stuff down.  I spent hours just to figure out where semplice hid the tint 2 configuration files.  I'd be a week trying to figure out what you did in an hour.  I just hope this helps someone else with steam errors after installing pipelight.  Thanks again.


Thanks for adding pipelight.  That's a big help.  I've tried a number of distress, lmde2, crunch bang, semplice and a few others and sparky openbox runs best on my machine with pipelight and flash enabled.  I need the flash 17 drm to get the movie site working.  Semplice seems to do ok once the movie gets started but in the beginning it shudders a bit and has locked up,a few times.  Sparky openbox is no problem.  Mate on any Debian distro gets the sound out of synch and sometimes it goes black and white.  I think semplice may be hogging up memory with that app lens.  It's neat but they track Sid too so that's a bigger risk.    sparky is the win for my needs.  I just wish I could get the volume icon working.


I can't make the volume icon working for you, it works with alsa only.
I also couldn't find any replacement for that too so I made it myself.
Sparky Pulse is a small and very simply tool which lets you increase and decrease volume via a tray icon which uses pulseaudio.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sparky-pulse

Then reboot your machine and the icon will be loaded to the tray.
Let me know did it help you.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Sweet.   I figure if it won't ,ap my media keys on my keyboard at least a quick flick of the wifi mouse is convenient.  You're a peach.  thanks!


Thanks, been looking for a volume control simpler than pasystray.  However, the tray icon is just a general nondescript default one completely unrelated to volume.  How can I change it to a different icon?  I changed the icon designated in /etc/xdg/autostart/SparkyPulseAudio.desktop, but that did not affect the tray icon (even after reboot).


Don't change the sparky-pulse.desktop file's icon - it's useless.
Go to:
and change the line:
What icon you suggest?
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Right now I'm using a bright icon which I like but it is a bit gaudy compared to the other tray icons:
So I'm going to do some adjusting.  I built this icon from 2 others that I got from the internet.  Now if I could just find where the parcellite icon lives to make it bigger ...?


They are here:
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


I found the problem with the alsa is it doesn't give me the option to switch to my hdmi audio output.  When I switch to it with the default alsa mixer I only get spdif as a volume control and it doesn't allow the volume keys on my keyboard to have any effect.  So I had been installing pulse audio and pavucontrol control to rectify it.  This last install I just installed pavucontrol and disabled the analog audio output and now I have the alsa volume icon working.   I will try your solution next.  I think alsa is the way to go as I am betting it uses less system resources.  Thanks for your help.


Pavroo, I changed the size of all the pixmap parcellite images long ago, but that did not seem to affect what appeared in the tray.   Another related question:  Tint2 has 4 choices for systray_sort, two of which are "descending" and "ascending".  Nowhere can I find what that means.  Is that with respect to size?  Recently the order changed so that now parcellite is at the end with wireless next, so that it does not "stick out" so much as being smaller than the others:     


What I found doesn't make it clear enough:
Quotesystray_sort = ascending/descending/left2right/right2left : Specifies the sorting order for the icons in the systray (note that with left2right or right2left the order can be different on panel restart).
The documentation doesn't say that.
But I changed  the systray_icon_size:
16 px - normal size:

24 px:

48 px + panel size 42 px:
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


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