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Hi. I'm JetsonC.

Started by JetsonC, April 21, 2015, 03:26:54 PM

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Hello guys.
I am JetsonC from now on.
I am a brazilian guy living in Argentina.

I have been using linux since 1996 when there was not so many flavors to choose. I have started with Red Hat but I changed to Debian and i am still using it.
I banned Microsoft products from my home and company since 2002.

The last distro I have used was #! and I have to tell you that I was very happy with them. Corenominal and team did a very nice work. Since the developement of crunchbang have stopped I have decided to move.

Will be a pleasure keep learning from this new community.


Todo dia es un buen dia para aprender algo.


Hi JetsonC
Nice to see you here.
Hope you'll find what you need :)
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


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