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Question about new Mate Sparky

Started by jeffneedle, December 09, 2014, 12:25:41 AM

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I know I'm not going to say the right thing here, but...

I just downloaded and installed the new Mate version of Sparky.  It works wonderfully!  Thanks so much for it.

At the bottom of the screen is a dock that contains large icons of the various applications on my system.  I can't figure out how to add and/or remove items from the dock.  Dragging unused icons doesn't delete them.  I want to add Chromium to the dock (I've installed it).  Can someone please help me with this?  Thanks.


Already installed? :)

Go to Menu-> Accessories-> Wbar-config then use icons to add, edit or remove what you need.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Thanks -- got it.

I notice wbar doesn't appear at the bottom of the screen when I move the mouse to the bottom.  This is a nice effect -- autohide -- that other programs offer.  Is there a way to set wbar to work this way?  Thanks again.


There is not autohide, sorry.
All the effects you can find in the tabs: Preferences and Effects.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel



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