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Hello to new and seasoned Sparky users

Started by timber, September 02, 2014, 06:08:03 AM

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Greetings All,

I am trying out Sparky Razor-qt for the first time and really like it so far.
I'm a seasoned linux disto hopper that settled down for quite a spell over at SolydXK but wanted to try Sparky since I've never tried the Razor-qt DE before.
Install went well although Unetbootin didn't seem to work with the iso so I just used the dd method and all went smoothly.
Update/ Upgrade/ Dist-Upgrade all smooth as silk.
I have SolydK installed on an older laptop and it works OK but the machine only has 2GB ram so I thought I might give this a try and see how the 32bit version of Razor-qt performs, relative to KDE-32.
Think it will work well on it, my wife uses it mainly for fb so I don't really need all the bells and whistles of KDE just for that.
Also installed the 64bit version of Sparky Razor-qt on my newer laptop and it's very fast (responsive).
Should work well as an alternative to SolydK and SolydKBE which I use for work.
Just wanted something (razor fast) responsive to use for home and play, I think this is it.

Thanks to the developer(s) for all the hard work in putting Sparky together.
I only use Debian based distros and have tried most other DE's so Razor-qt is a nice option ... Thank You!



Dave you wouldn't regret your time being here. This is best linux distro in my humble, newbie opinion. I was a distro hopper myself, used more than 15 different of them. This is the destiny I was wishing for.
Success gives birth to success? Failure gives birth to failure? - Sagar Gorijala.

The Black Pig

Welcome Dave, I started with SparkyLinux sometime last year not sure of the date (but I set up the facebook group in Sept 213 https://www.facebook.com/groups/SparkyLinux/
before this new execellent forum. Started with XFCE  but recently started to get the itchy feet. Rather than jump ship I thought I would try SparkyLinux  Razor QT, couldn't get on with it but Sparkylinux is so versatile I didn't want to leave , I added Cairo dock and I now have a very fast easy to system so not going anywhere


hello timber, also new here and lovin' it :)  welcome!


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