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Sparky Gnome

Started by dhinds, January 10, 2014, 09:40:05 PM

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It could be a new thread.

No, AppFinder can't find it.

Xkill tool is in the system, but there is not xkill.desktop file in application directory.

The icon of Xkill is visible becouse I made it and put there especially for SparkyCenter .
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel




Quote from pavroo on January 18, 2014, 17:12

It could be a new thread.

No, AppFinder can't find it.

Xkill tool is in the system, but there is not xkill.desktop file in application directory.

The icon of Xkill is visible because I made it and put there especially for SparkyCenter .

But you didn't put it there just to look nice.  I assume you put it there to be used (although Alt+F4 seems to work alright).

Guess what.  By double clicking on the the XKill icon you placed in the SparkyCenter, it kills SparkyCenter!  Did you do that intentionally?  I would think not.  I'm reasonably sure that's not why you put it there.  :P

Incidentally, I noticed on the CrunchBang Testing Forum, that those #! users using Debian Testing are having difficulty.

According to the following DistroWatch search.


Sparky and Pear are the only two distros offerring OpenBox on Debian Testing.

But Pear's home page states:


PureOS 7.0 is a GNU/Linux live distro based on Debian testing, multilingual, installable and built with the new Linux Live Kit scripts.

It is available in two versions (Gnome and Openbox) as zip images for live-usb only.

Features common to both versions:

- kernel 3.6.11

- Chromium, GParted, Synaptic

- scripts for modules management (dir2pb, pb2dir, pure activate/deactivate, deb2pb and debs2pb)

- smxi/sgfxi scripts

Openbox version weighs only 356 MB, it was designed to serve as a basis for the design of live-usb customized by adding modules.

Gnome version is more complete (supports scanners and printers ...), it weighs 642 MB.

PureOS 7.0 is a GNU/Linux live distro based on Debian testing, multilingual, installable and built with the new Linux Live Kit scripts.

IOW, Pear is directed toward a very difference audience, folks that want to add everything themselves, rather than supply a set of applications and features that provide the best available solutions for common tasks.  It's for creating a lightweight live usb session.

Debian itself doesn't offer an OpenBox version on its Testing CD Download list for amd 54 bit, althouh it may be contained with in the 3 volume DVDset of  .isos they offer (numbered 1, 2 & 3. - they don't tell you what's in them).

So Sparky is the highest rated Debian derivative (that's compatible with Debian) on distrowatch based on Testing, and second only to CruncnBang (which is based on Stable and is OpenBox only and has been around for much longer - I think.  I have CrunchBang installed on another computer I'm not using at present, but the default boot on that one is Sparky E17).




By double clicking on the the XKill icon you placed in the SparkyCenter, it kills SparkyCenter!

No, it does not. It shows the big "X" you can drop on any opened window of an application.


But you didn't put it there just to look nice.

I will do, no problem. I have put it on my list of next release.

Debian + Openbox -> CD1 with LXDE
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel




Quote from pavroo on January 19, 2014, 18:08


By double clicking on the the XKill icon you placed in the SparkyCenter, it kills SparkyCenter!


No, it does not. It shows the big "X" you can drop on any opened window of an application.

You mean the X can be dragged?    I didn't try that.   (The "Terminate a Misbehaving Application" icon that I always add to a Mate panel - and it was a part of Gnome 2 that I always used, worked differently.  After clicking on it, you could then click on the window of the misbehaving program you wanted to shut down).

I do use the killall command from a terminal to close the wbar (which you suggested).

And the SparkyCenter Window did disappear after I clicked on the big X.


But you didn't put it there just to look nice.

I will do, no problem. I have put it on my list of next release.

Debian + Openbox -> CD1 with LXDE

Perfect.  Being in communication with the developer is a real advantage.

I have a question, if you have time:  How difficult was it to put together the Openbox version of Debian Testing?

Or rather, what did you have to do to create it?

Other than lacking some of the visual eye-candy that comes with more graphically oriented Desktop Environments, I see nothing that can not be added to or done from it, with the advantage of have a faster and possibly more stable system.




You mean the X can be dragged?

Just move it like a coursor and click on a window you'd like.


what did you have to do to create it?

Install Debian base system, xorg server, openbox, lightdm (or slim/xdm/etc.), a panel (tint2/lxpanel/xfce4-panel/etc.) and create a startup file which will run some applications at system's boot up.

The file has to be located in: /home/you/.config/openbox/autostart.sh

Give it execute rights: chmod a+x autostart.sh

That's all.

Rest of it, it's your choice what you will install extra.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


(I thought I had already sent this):

Thanks for the detailed and helpful explanation.

One thing you didn't mention however is the file manager.  Crunchbang uses Thunar and Crunchbang users who have accessed the Debian Testing Repositories have had problems with Thunar.  Sparky Ultra / Openbox uses PCManFM.  Was that intentional (to avoid the problems Crunchbang users have encountered)?  Is there an important difference between them? (Of course Sparky Ultra contains Tux Commander, also).

Just wondered.

BTW, I sent a note to Dedoimedo (which published a review of Crunchbang Waldorf - the most recent), that they do a review of Sparky.





I thought I had already sent this

That's right you have. I just missed it.


Was that intentional (to avoid the problems Crunchbang users have encountered)?

No it wasn't. I used PCManFM in Openbox, becouse I tried to make Ultra Edition similar to LXDE as much as possible but without LXDE.

Anyway, I haven't heard about Thunar problem you said.


I sent a note to Dedoimedo

Thank's a lot. They did a review of Sparky 3.1 LXDE, I've seen it.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


The problem with Thunar on upgrading Crunchbang to Testing is mentioned here:


I wondered why using Thunar was important, aside from the tabs offered with the latest version and it's being slightly less resource hungry.


Upgrading apps from stable to testing will make many changes. Testing base system is built on newer versions of libs so upgrading to testing will pull many extra packages. There is no excuse, it's dependency hell.


I wondered why using Thunar was important

It's not, but...

Thunar and its daemon has a feature that will automatically mount and open external USB disks for example.

PCManFM doesn't have it. That's why I implemented extra script to the pipe menu to give the missing function for users.

This is only one diffrent I can see now.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


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