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Problem with a new graphic card

Started by Floppy, November 16, 2022, 01:47:50 PM

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Hi !
I used Sparkylinux Topolo for several months with a nvidia GT 730 graphic cards .
I could set the resolution of the screen to 1920 x 1080 .
Recently I did put a new graphic card on my PC, a nvidia RTX 3050 , and the resolution is now 1024 x 768 .
When launching the system , after GRUB screen , there is a message like : " nouveau : unknown chipset " .

How can I get a 1920 x 1080 screen resolution again , please ?



May be I am a little bit late to reply...

I had more or less same problem.
"new" Linux made some cleaning in graphic cards drivers and some of them were suppressed.
There is some built-in drivers to cover those suppressed.
You face the same problem as driver for your new graphic card is not included in Linux.

The only solution is to load driver for this nexw graphic card from the original site.
But sometimes driver doesn't exist for Linux.


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