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Sparky / Zoom issue -- am I the only one?

Started by niftyprose, May 05, 2020, 12:06:36 PM

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Hi guys, first post in ages. I installed Sparky about three years ago and have run it very happily ever since. Main computer is an Asus X205 netbook. I have the usual software plus some odd graphics stuff, and I'm running OpenBox with Nitrogen to get a custom desktop.

I installed Zoom using Gdebi this week at my partner's request, and noticed the following issues:

1. When I restart, there is about a 50% chance of getting the desktop. If not, I get a blank grey screen. Right-click gives me access to all the usual software, and the performance of the computer is not affected.

2. The keyboard mapping has reverted to US. On my previous distro I fixed that thus:

sudo nano ~/.config/openbox/autostart

Append: setxkbmap gb

...but it doesn't work in Sparky.

3. The keypad tracking is wrong. I fixed that thus:

xset m 5 3 &

My guess is that all these problems share a common root in the Zoom installation, and I'm hoping there's a simple fix?

Best, WM


Quote1. When I restart, there is about a 50% chance of getting the desktop. If not, I get a blank grey screen. Right-click gives me access to all the usual software, and the performance of the computer is not affected.
Are you running desktop composing ( compton/picom  etc.) ?

2. The keyboard mapping has reverted to US. On my previous distro I fixed that thus:

sudo nano ~/.config/openbox/autostart

Append: setxkbmap gb

Check Debian wiki for general guidance.

btw ''~/.config/openbox/autostart'' is file inside of your home folder. You don't need sudo to edit It.
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