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What do you love the most about sparkylinux ?

Started by ychaouche, November 10, 2019, 08:18:10 PM

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Hello there,

I would like to know what other distros have you tried and why did you chose to stay with sparkylinux ? is there something unique to sparky linux that can't be found elsewhere ? or is it an overall good, generalist distro that just works ? your reviews will be much appreciated.


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I have tried some of the Ubuntu distros, OpenSuse, Fedora, antiX, Debian, Parrot, Kali, and Manjaro. Manjaro was the only one of those others that I liked, but it was not quite what I was looking for.

SparkyLinux just seems to be what I want in an operating system. Lots of applications to choose from and lightweight. SparkyLinux puts a friendly face on Debian. I use the semi-rolling version with xfce desktop.


I've been on Manjaro and Arch-based systems since 2012.  I have a strong desire for the "latest and greatest" that a rolling release offers, and it's nice that Arch has the AUR for software that doesn't show up in the official repositories.  Pacman and Pamac are powerful package management tools that I've become accustomed to, so I spend a lot of time on the command line with these systems.

I've tried all the *buntus and have been amazed at how consistently they break for me, so I pretty much (aside from the occasional Virtualbox installation) gave them up when I moved to Manjaro.

I employed MX/AntiX as backup systems for a couple years, but recently wiped and replaced them with Sparky testing, which scratches my rolling-itch.  I also installed 32-bit Sparky (Openbox) on an old Averatec laptop with 750 MB RAM (works amazingly well, much better than AntiX), which I use as a glorified radio/podcast player hooked to the living room stereo.  Calamares has a 1GB RAM minimum for installation, but the Sparky Advanced Installer worked fine.  The one thing that MX/AntiX has going for them is their persistence-capable Live USB, which I carry on a 64 GB USB when traveling.

What I love about Sparky:  1) Its testing-based ISO's, plus the ability to install pretty much any DE/WM that I can imagine through the Advanced Installer; 2) APTus, which offers an easy-to-scan list of software not available in the Debian repositories; 3) the Debian backend; and 4) the fact that it's been around for so long, which gives a sense of security, since it probably isn't going anywhere anytime soon.  Sparky has become my Debian distro of choice, and I recommend it to anyone else who prefers the Debian ecosystem.


All of my computers are from 2010 have 2 core processors and 4.0 GB memory with integrated motherboard graphics and mechanical hard drives.

I like the user interface LXQT / XFCE and small footprint and low resource usage the distros run well and do everything the mainstream flagship distros do without loading down the hardware.

All of the additional software I use is available from the distros repository which means it's tested and bug free from my experience.

SparkyLinux installs and updates and works without problems OOTB on my curb finds.

The Sparky Minimal GUI Edition is fun to use and a learning experience.

My 2 cents. :)
Under certain circumstances, urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.
[Mark Twain]


Dear Ychaouche,
sorry for my late respond, I have read you message only now.
When the Microsoft Corporation has announced the end of life their XP OS, I had turned to Linux.
During this period of time, I having tried different distros like Ubuntu, Solus, Antergos, Makulu, Elementary, Peppermint, Debian, Manjaro, Mint, Q4S, Tristel, among others. Still I used SparkyLinux Xfce 5.11 Nibiru OS 64-bit for years. (Previously I started with the 32-bit one and the LXDE Editions).
Why SparkyLinux?
Easiest to learn and as simple as possible to use. I have the possibility to use both the repositories of Sparky and Debian at the same time. The supply of them is conform to my requirements and rich itself. But you would have to know, I have no presence on social media, no streaming and gaming and as general rule the ABC disabled. So I have no experiences with these popular applications and working with them.
Stable and it seems to me, their future looks well also.
I could furnish you with such a small amount of information, which not positive, but my opinion is, that they are all depend on my special requirements: when booting from the live ISO, the background is black and the rows, where anyone could choose the language are too dark in a black background for my eyes. But I know it, and would be careful when booting live ISOs, and installation does not taken place too much times. The appearance has many possibilities to set theme, panel, icons, style and similar others, but my eyes do not prefer the white background for everyday use. While I having used LXDE Desktop I had no problems in everyday usage with desktop and I have a strange feeling the situation would be the same with LXQt and Mate as well, but still I use Xfce Desktop. In spite of the fact, there are many dark varieties, unfortunately I have not found such a style and theme so far, which would be really preferred by my eyes. It works properly, only uncomfortable for me. But it depends on the Xfce and not on SparkyLinux and a question of my leisure time, which always not enough. Once you have set your settings, no problem any more. Do you want more difficulties than these ones, then try other distros, but I suggest you to choose rather an other desktop.
I suggest you to keep your system updated, you would have many possibilities to do that in SparkyLinux like the tools: System Upgrade, APTus, by Terminal at least. But it is distro independent advice. Comparing to MS OS, especially to W10, each Linux distro is user friendly, but keeping update your system is would be the easier with SparkyLinux and setting your own favourite applications, desktop, appearance and others is the same.
You can find answers to your questions on the Forum, if any, but on the forums of Debian-used other distros as well. Perhaps you could find such a forum of Debian-based distros, which supply solutions in your native language, so you can solve your problems anyway. I remind you I had written earlier I tried previously the Debian itself, but I had my way back to SparkyLinux not eventually. However this is an additional advantage, I think.
Have a Covid-free time for everyone!


Changed from Mint (LMDE) to Sparky mate iso in 2016, waded through several distros from manjaro to MX, pclos to antiX. Each time a quick image load to bring me back to this functioning distro from those challenges. Sure each have their merits and there are always solutions to issues which SparkLinux adjusts to, time and time again.
I commend the devs here keeping in tune with changes to user needs and wants from across the linux world. Always good to see practical changes - webmin, aptus, backup and now picom are examples in the sparky repo that give comfort to my needs.
Thanks you devs.
21grams >> light in flight


Honestly I've tried many others, certainly all the ones mentioned in DistroWatches top 20 or 30
There are many that are good, but few that hold my interest.
Independent Distros Interest me the most, because they have often taken a different approach to many things.

Currently I am multi booting

1/ MX Linux
2/ Opensuse (tumbleweed)
3/ Sparky
4/ PCLinuxOS

I've been using MX the longest, it's my mr reliable and has a host of utilities with recovery options on the Live USB which have helped me many times.

Opensuse is a fairly recent one for me, ir's interesting, up to date and so far seems very stable

Sparky Iits very similar to MX (both being Debian based) but has newer kernels and the latest XFCE out of the box which is very nice, liking it a lot.

PCLinuxOS is an independent distro (as is OpenSuse) and it's interesting, has a host of custom utilities some useful, some not so much. Again very up to date and again I like it.

Honourable mentions got to :-
Manjaro the best Arch distro, very stable and very attractive
Arco Linux again an Arch based distro but with it's own utilities and hundreds of tutorial videos
Fedora and DebIan are both worthy and stable if a little boring
Solus ... a strange one this, I really liked my time with solus, but when I changed to EFI system partitions I simply couldn't get it to boot properly and the team at solus seem blind to the problem even though many others have complained about it.


Sparky is stable, updates are smooth and fun to use. I'm very pleased.
I've been using the distro for about a month.
I have been using openSUSE for over a dozen years, probably from version 11.2. Currently I am on multi booting with Tumbleweed and Sparky.
I also used MX Linux and KDE Neon.
MX Linux is very similar but with older kernel and KDE Plasma.
Sparky is stable Debian based distro with the latest KDE Plasma.
On other distros I had problems with LuckyBackup, OBS Studio, Discover, logging in, updates or with webcam. On Sparky everything is going smoothly so far.
If possible, I will give monthly donation to keep up the project.
Too bad it's not as popular as other distros.
I searched for a long time and found it.
APTus is very good with many possibilities.
Good job. Keep it up.

If possible, I will write it in Polish.

Sparky jest stabilny, aktualizacje są płynne i przyjemne w użyciu. Jestem bardzo zadowolony. Używam dystrybucji od około miesiąca.
Korzystam z OpenSuse od kilku lat, prawdopodobnie od wersji 11.2. Obecnie korzystam z multi-bootowania z Tumbleweed i Sparky.
Używałem także MX Linux i KDE Neon.
MX Linux jest bardzo podobny, ale ze starszym jądrem i KDE Plasma.
Sparky jest stabilną dystrybucją opartą na Debianie z najnowszą plazmą KDE.
Na innych dystrybucjach miałem problemy z LuckyBackup, OBS Studio, Discover, logowaniem, aktualizacjami lub kamerą internetową. Na Sparky póki co wszystko idzie gładko.
Jeśli to możliwe, będę przekazywać comiesięczne datki na utrzymanie projektu.
Szkoda, że Sparky nie jest tak popularny jak inne dystrybucje.
Szukałem długo i znalazłem.
APTus jest bardzo dobry z wieloma możliwościami.
Dobra robota. Tak trzymać.


Quote from: rektal on March 25, 2021, 07:48:20 AMSparky is stable, updates are smooth and fun to use. I'm very pleased.
I've been using the distro for about a month.
I have been using openSUSE for over a dozen years, probably from version 11.2. Currently I am on multi booting with Tumbleweed and Sparky.
I also used MX Linux and KDE Neon.
MX Linux is very similar but with older kernel and KDE Plasma.
Sparky is stable Debian based distro with the latest KDE Plasma.
On other distros I had problems with LuckyBackup, OBS Studio, Discover, logging in, updates or with webcam. On Sparky everything is going smoothly so far.
If possible, I will give monthly donation to keep up the project.
Too bad it's not as popular as other distros.
I searched for a long time and found it.
APTus is very good with many possibilities.
Good job. Keep it up.

If possible, I will write it in Polish. mcdvoice

Sparky jest stabilny, aktualizacje są płynne i przyjemne w użyciu. Jestem bardzo zadowolony. Używam dystrybucji od około miesiąca.
Korzystam z OpenSuse od kilku lat, prawdopodobnie od wersji 11.2. Obecnie korzystam z multi-bootowania z Tumbleweed i Sparky.
Używałem także MX Linux i KDE Neon.
MX Linux jest bardzo podobny, ale ze starszym jądrem i KDE Plasma.
Sparky jest stabilną dystrybucją opartą na Debianie z najnowszą plazmą KDE.
Na innych dystrybucjach miałem problemy z LuckyBackup, OBS Studio, Discover, logowaniem, aktualizacjami lub kamerą internetową. Na Sparky póki co wszystko idzie gładko.
Jeśli to możliwe, będę przekazywać comiesięczne datki na utrzymanie projektu.
Szkoda, że Sparky nie jest tak popularny jak inne dystrybucje.
Szukałem długo i znalazłem.
APTus jest bardzo dobry z wieloma możliwościami.
Dobra robota. Tak trzymać.

I could furnish you with such a small amount of information, which not positive, but my opinion is, that they are all depend on my special requirements: when booting from the live ISO, the background is black and the rows, where anyone could choose the language are too dark in a black background for my eyes. But I know it, and would be careful when booting live ISOs, and installation does not taken place too much times. The appearance has many possibilities to set theme, panel, icons, style and similar others, but my eyes do not prefer the white background for everyday use. While I having used LXDE Desktop I had no problems in everyday usage with desktop and I have a strange feeling the situation would be the same with LXQt and Mate as well, but still I use Xfce Desktop.


... is how it refuses to SEE and USE my 32GBs of RAM :P ...  veerie sad ...

copying terabytes id data is just sooooo sloooooo :/



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