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"An error accured ... your banned from using this forum! ... massive spamers"

Started by 108saimon, December 11, 2018, 07:23:28 AM

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Whean i try enter that forum from home PC i always see error "An error occured" and some about spam bots activity and you banned forever.
From my work network all work fine.
What i need do, to read this forum from home PC?
Img what i see whean try go to this forum from my home PC/smartphone : https://prnt.sc/ltgvwg


And no offence - SMF is really outdated.
Maybe its time to see on YaBB/FluxBB or other?

If you want be on edge of web maybe even - NodeBB :


You have not given us your OS, your distribution  (Sparky 4 or 5 hopefully), your DE (desktop) or your browser used.   That info from the system that does not work and the info on the system that works would be helpful. 

Search forum for "More info easier via inxi"    If requested -  no inxi, no help for you by  me.


Quote from: paxmark1 on December 12, 2018, 12:07:21 AM
You have not given us your OS, your distribution  (Sparky 4 or 5 hopefully), your DE (desktop) or your browser used.   That info from the system that does not work and the info on the system that works would be helpful.
On phone MIUI 10+ browser chrome mobile latest
On home desctop SuperGamer(stil not have time to rewrite to sparky gameOver) distro(ubuntu 18.04 based) chromium latest
I think it closer to different ip diapason on my work, my mobile network and my home


@108saimon sorry for problems with that, but your IP or email provider is recognized as spamer's, I think it is not about you.
I suggest to try using proxy (or tor) to log in being at home.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Quote from: pavroo on December 13, 2018, 12:55:17 AM
@108saimon sorry for problems with that, but your IP or email provider is recognized as spamer's, I think it is not about you.
I suggest to try using proxy (or tor) to log in being at home.
I'm not kinda surprised, Russia heh.
But, if your firewall block broadcasting ip diapason its kinda overpowered disigen i think.
Maybe just use recaptcha or some like that?

Bill Statler

I'm an admin on a different SMF forum.  Spam control is really difficult.  We have to use both automated and manual methods.  Websites like StopForumSpam that keep a database, and forum plugins that access this sort of database, are helpful.  But they can result in banning legitimate users.  StopForumSpam tries to check all the IP addresses in their database against a list of Tor exit nodes, but they aren't always up-to-date.  And unfortunately, Tor exit notes are frequently major spam sources.

StopForumSpam has a list of "toxic" IP addresses that are safe to ban.  You can actually do this in an .htaccess file, or if you're running the server you can block the list in iptables.  Either option requires less CPU and database access than an IP ban in SMF's ban list.

SMF has an anti-spam option to make new members answer questions before they can register.  (I can't remember whether that's enabled here.)  We found this helpful for reducing spammer registrations, but there are two challenges:

  • It's hard to write a question that has only ONE possible answer, and can be understood by people from all over the world.
  • Spammers apparently share a database of questions and answers, so they have to be updated every 1-3 months in order to remain effective.

Quote from: 108saimon on December 11, 2018, 11:41:49 AM
And no offence - SMF is really outdated.
Maybe its time to see on YaBB/FluxBB or other?

If you want be on edge of web maybe even - NodeBB :

I've looked into this for my forum.  It's a very large project to move an existing forum to different software. :(


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