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I have several questions

Started by prince2phor21, June 23, 2018, 04:50:51 PM

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Hello there,
I'm new to SparkyLinux. I installed Sparky-Linux rescue 5.4.1 - 64 bits on my hard disk. So, it's an openbox desktop.

I have a couple of questions.

1° How can I change my user password?
2° Is it possible to add launchers (shortcuts) on the desktop? for example for Firefox... and how to do it...
3° I want to run a command when the machine boots... that command : synclient TouchPadOff=1 or what is the file to edit to add that command?

Thanks in advance.



1. Run in a terminal emulator:
2. Yes, add to desktop directory a launcher file, here is an example:
and add idesk (has to installed) to the Openbox autostart.
3. To run a command as system starts, (idesk as well) add your command to the file:
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


You may find http://lxlinux.com/ and the links therein useful for answering such questions and configuring openbox and pcmanfm in general.



Thanks for answering.
Two of my three questions has been solved.
I didn't go through the third one (Idesk). So, I decided to install a mate desktop. I'm more familiar with Mate.


Glad you got your problems sorted. I, too, use Mate. Have tried all the others and find Mate is the most intuitive.
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