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[SOLVED] Sparky Versions Confusion

Started by jimdunn, November 19, 2017, 05:39:24 PM

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Hey, I thought I understood the "Sparky Linux Versions"... that if there was an "STB" in the filename, then it was "STABLE", otherwise it was "TESTING".

But, 4.7 has come out, listed on the "Stable" download page, but no STB in the filenames.

HELP??  : )


As I understand it - and I could be wrong - the 4.x series is Stable and the 5.x series is Testing.
Dogs laugh, but they laugh with their tails.


Unstable OpenBoxer


It is pointless to add the "STB" suffix to the iso images.
The download page direct you to a right version.

Anyway, the 4.x is the stable line, but the rolling/testing 5 will change its name to 5-YYYY.MM.DD as it is a snapshot of Debian and Sparky repos.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Ah, ok... so can I assume that "even numbers" will be "STABLE" and odd numbers will be TESTING ???


Hi jimdunn. You are overcomplicating things. Sparky 4.x is based on Debian stable, a.k.a "Stretch. Sparky 5.x is based on Debian testing, a.k.a "Buster" and stable to be. Read more here;

Unstable OpenBoxer


Hey, thanks for the reply -- although I believe Debian made it complicated.  : )

Nevertheless, another question, if I wanted to reconfigure Sparky to use the "untested" repositories, could I just edit the /etc/apt/sources.list or would that be a mistake?


There is an info inside the source.list to not edit it.
Sparky repos (and others) are located in /etc/apt/sourse.list.d/ dir.
Anyway, the sparky's unstable repo contains the latest kernel only.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Quote from: jimdunn on December 21, 2017, 11:25:00 PM
Hey, thanks for the reply -- although I believe Debian made it complicated.  : )

Nevertheless, another question, if I wanted to reconfigure Sparky to use the "untested" repositories, could I just edit the /etc/apt/sources.list or would that be a mistake?

Here, take a read here also to understand better stable/testing/unstable and Debian derivations.

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Albert Einstein


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