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"testing" vs. "trixie" in sources.list

Started by pgf, September 04, 2024, 10:54:16 PM

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Hi -- new user here, and new to "raw" debian, though I've been using linux for over 30 years, and Ubuntu for much of that time.  My question is just about debian release naming, I guess.

I installed Sparky because of the availability of the rolling release feature.  It's all installed okay, but I'm curious about the contents of sources.list.  I think I read that using "testing" as the tag would keep me permanently on testing, but using "trixie" would cause me to migrate to stable when trixie is...  frozen?

Can someone explain?


Quote from: pgf on September 04, 2024, 10:54:16 PM[....]I installed Sparky because of the availability of the rolling release feature.

On the SparkyLinux downloads page itself, you can see that Sparkyinux 8 Seven-Sisters is listed as (Semi-)Rolling.
... Based on Debian testing branch ...

Quote from: pgf on September 04, 2024, 10:54:16 PM[....]  It's all installed okay, but I'm curious about the contents of sources.list.  I think I read that using "testing" as the tag would keep me permanently on testing, but using "trixie" would cause me to migrate to stable when trixie is...  frozen?

  If you always want to help test the testing release, use 'testing'.

 If you are tracking trixie and want to stay with it from testing to end of life, use 'trixie'

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