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Linux on Desktop is only increasing in number.... 56 Million linux desktops?

Started by kanliot, August 25, 2024, 12:50:10 AM

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Some good news.   Dzień dobry from Tennessee, USA.

This youtuber says 56-62 million desktops now run Linux.   :)

Also SparkyLinux is so stable... I switched from Linux Mint 4.5 years ago... and then nothing happened.   My only repeat problem was sizing the /boot partition too small.


It's cool that folks are using Linux.
I don't want Linux to become the choice of the home desktop.
Linux is fine just where it is imo.

The day Linux becomes the choice of the home desktop user will be the day Linux becomes just another polluted OS just as Windows OSs have become.

Please don't take my opinion wrong Windows OSs are great for the users who want to use them and needs to use them because of the Windows only software they may need to use.

My desktops are Frankenstein computers created from parts from discarded computers and none of the parts match and Linux works great for those computers.

Unlike some Linux users I have nothing against Microsoft Windows and have used Windows OSs for years prior to Windows XP EOL 2014.

Use what works best for what you use your computer for and are most comfortable using.

A great day to all.
Under certain circumstances, urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.
[Mark Twain]

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