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Sparkylinux installation on chromebook and no sound.

Started by smarky, May 28, 2024, 12:02:46 AM

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I installed sparkylinux on an HP chromebook that had sound with MX Linux no problem but with only 16 gb of hard drive and no way to upgrade it I am trying sparky. I really like Sparky but I have no sound. I have looked all over and tried so many solutions for other distros with no success. Many of them said to
"sudo alsa force-reload" and all I get is "sudo: alsa: command not found" so I "sudo apt install alsa-base" but that says the latest alsa-base is already installed. If anyone knows a fix that  would be great. If you need any info let me know and I will post it.
Everything else seems to be working pretty good.


Hi, smarky. :-) Not sure on your Sparky version / setup or your proficiency with Linux, the command-line, etc., but here are some ideas that may help you move forward:

1. Check if your system has a GUI for audio settings; if so, see if there's anything there that might be relevant.

2. For the alsa-related things, it sounds like you just need to find out the right command and related syntax for whatever you want to try. I would start by first doing a search for related packages with the keyword 'alsa'. In the terminal it would be:apt search alsa | less(A search like this can often produce multiple pages of output, so I like to add '| less', which shows the first page and lets you navigate up and down through the output; once you're done, hitting 'Q' will take you back to the prompt.) In a package manager like 'Synaptic', there's usually a search function that you can use for this. With searches like this, it should show you the available packages related to alsa that are either installed or available to install from the standard repos. From these you should be able to clarify a bit more what you want / need to try, as well as figure out some keywords to search on your computer ('man' pages of installed programs) or online to figure out names of commands, related syntax, sample usage, etc.

3. Also, someone may be able to help you if you provide more information. When you're looking for help on this or other similar forums, it would be good for you to mention what version of OS (i.e. Sparky here) you're using along with the window manager (WM) and/or desktop environment (DE). You can use the command-line tool 'inxi' and its various options to generate general / specific / relevant information about your system that you can then copy from the terminal (Shift + Ctrl + C) and paste into your post here using the code markers for easier readability. (Hover over the icons above where you're writing till you see the one marked 'Code', click on that and it should give you code markers like this: "code""/code" except with bracket markers in place of the quote markers. Then just paste the inxi output from the terminal between the code markers so it will show up correctly [you can use the preview option to check it's working as expected].) The 'inxi' tool has lots of different options -- here is just one example:inxi -Frz(The '-F' option includes basic information for quite a few parts of your system, the '-r' option provides details on your repos, and the '-z' option filters out some things for privacy / security, which is probably a good idea when posting in public spaces like this forum.)

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