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Fvwm Kise -- ready-made scripts/configs

Started by rasat, November 29, 2023, 08:21:53 PM

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Debian stable has Fvwm3 package. I am introducing a collection of ready-made scripts (configs) for it.

Fvwm Keep-It-Simple & elegant (Kise) is a simple and elegant base, and feature-rich to use, modify or add your own. The default Fvwm config file is the base. Currently, there are 23 scripts of functions, styles, menus, decor, and modules. Works well also on Fvwm2.

* Desk Launcher: Iconfied Thumbnails, Full-Screen Maximize, Windows Overview, Tiling, and Work Desk.
* Work Desk: Navigation buttons, Rofi, Calendar, Clock, and 4 Desks Pager with 2 Pages each.
(Web, Email, Work and Misc. desk).

* Icon/Application Panel.
* Task Panel.
* Day/Time Panel.
* 4-button Window Title Bar.
* Page Indicator.
* Tiled and scalable wallpaper features.
* Elegant transparency and shadows.
* Window focus on all desks and pages.

Screenshots and download on Pling:

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