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Started by Filemon7, November 23, 2023, 01:56:01 PM

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Im new but not quite i first encounter linux after win7  dont have support anymore.

My first distro was Ubuntu Gnome 18.04 Bionic Beaver,Ubuntu Mate and other like mate etc.. but when i was get information that is spying i changed my os to Debian 10 buster i tested many gui's later was Bullseye 11 which was also mate for sometime i was use gnome to remainder myself good Ubuntu times,Siduction xfce and now Sparky 8 seven sisters also xfce.

So far Sparky is greatest distro which still support systemd so i can use fstrim on my SSD.

Fast,simple powerfull thats why i choose Sparky 8 even my favorite driver wizardpen for my drawing tablet works.

My hobbies are programing and linux administration thats all.

"Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together a success."-Henry Ford


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