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Sparky 8

Started by penguin, June 20, 2023, 10:36:03 AM

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Hello to everyone. Two days before I decided to pass from Sparky 7 Orion Belt ( Rolling) to Sparky 8 ( The Seven Sisters, based on instructions here
I applied on both laptops where Sparky is installed. Simply great. No any problem at all

I changed manually os-release and lsb-relase files (pls update both these files on the next update)
I use the default Sparky onboard wallpaper... please update it from 7 to 8. It is just a cosmetic thing.

Sparky is really fast. I will appreciate if any other trick will make it even faster .

@pavro. Thanks for your great efforts and wonderful product.


I have done this upgrade/update as well with no issues what so ever.



Hello friends of OS Sparky!
I am updating for the second time according to this instruction (the first time in 2021, 6-7). Clear, simple description of actions, upgrade without problems, without reinstallation. Thanks to the creators!

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