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Problem when upgrading Sparky 8 trixie

Started by paul74, Today at 09:42:27 AM

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I try to upgrade Sparky 8 installed since several months but not used for a long time.

On the terminal, I get :

pnp@pnp-k52jt:~$ sudo apt-get update
Ign :1 https://repo.sparkylinux.org core InRelease
Ign :2 https://repo.sparkylinux.org sisters InRelease                                                   
Err :3 http://deb.debian.org/debian trixie InRelease                                                   
  401  Unauthorized [IP : 80]
Err :4 http://security.debian.org/debian-security trixie-security/updates InRelease                     
  401  Unauthorized [IP : 80]
Err :5 http://deb-multimedia.org trixie InRelease                                                       
  401  Unauthorized [IP : 80]

I try different thing before opening this topic :

sudo cp /usr/share/keyrings/sparky.gpg.key /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/sparky-linux.asc

and then :

Change the GPG key in the source list:
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sparky.list



I also try to inactivate firewall.

But I still have the problem.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Quote from: paul74 on Today at 09:42:27 AM[...] But I still have the problem.

Please, check this news on the SparkyLinux homepage:

➤ Want to know how you can use a program you have never used before? "man" will be your best new friend! Type "man <pkg-name>" in a shell.
➤ Or, point your browser to "manpages.debian.org/<pkg-name>" .... RTFM !!!


And here are the images of how repos should be set up:

Cheers !! 

➤ Want to know how you can use a program you have never used before? "man" will be your best new friend! Type "man <pkg-name>" in a shell.
➤ Or, point your browser to "manpages.debian.org/<pkg-name>" .... RTFM !!!

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