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Hi everyone! It's Alive!

Started by dobesov, Today at 04:34:16 AM

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Hi guys, I just wanted to say I brought an old NEC Z1 back to life with Sparky. Yeah a 450mhz Pentium 3 upgraded with 512 megs of RAM. I use the machine to play Mp3s to a radio broadcaster to tune in to the right ambiance in my Fallout themed garage bar. Sparky is my new favorite distro for anything light on resources. I adore having CDE desktop as an option. The only thing I'd love to see for my nefarious purposes is to have TWIN desktop as a precompiled option in the No GUI distro. I'd been using BODHI on low end systems before, but Sparky fits my niche so much better. Heck I'm contemplating tossing it on a refurbed HP z820 with 512 GB or ram I just threw together from ebay because I still love that CDE aesthetic on the old super computer.

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