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Live USB Creator Persistence

Started by jnwright, Today at 05:21:27 PM

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I must be doing something wrong. I'm using Sparky 7.6 (Orion-Belt),
Debian stable based, with the xfce desktop. I flashed the Sparky .iso to a USB using
the Live USB Creator Persistence app.

Then I booted up to the live USB and made some configuration changes
and install a couple of apps. Then I shutdown and booted back up
to the live USB, expecting my changes to be saved, but they weren't.

I thought that when you flashed a .iso file to a USB using
the Live USB Creator Persistence app, that changes would be retained
on the USB. What am I missing here ?

(My goal is to make a live USB with all my configurations already done,
 ready to install to a hard drive.)

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