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Borders and keyboard resources

Started by jimc, August 05, 2017, 07:34:28 PM

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First, I am a crotchety old man that originally got involved in computers in about 1983, so I have seen a lot.
What I am looking for is a desktop that I can use with poor vision and poor mental capability.
First thingis borders on windows on the desktop .  It seems most modern desktop use  soft pastels it may be cute, but it doesn't work for me. I cant tell where a window stops and a drop down list begins, also, the edge to grab is so narrow I struggle to grab itsize a window.  Don't suggest the black and white setup. All I want is to have control of borders and colors.
Another thing is the obfusacation of password. I live alone in a house nobody ever looks over my shoulder.  Allow me to turn it off if need to.
Vertical scroll bars. I an not used to the go to where the scroll bar is in the document. I would prefer that it was the one page type of scroll bar.
I need more control of fonts, font sizes and font colors everywhere.
Just to make it so everyone will know that I am a nut. the only desktops I find that adjustable are DOS (no desktop at at all) and OS/2 it is an Object Oriented so everything is adjustable everywhere the same.
Anyway, if anyone can help with where to find the adjustments I will like to make.
One other thing it appears that I am running out of resources with the keyboard. Ater about 4 hf work, I can type but nothing happens on screen the cursor is where it is is supposed to be but neither the USB connectted keyboard or virtual keyboard. I have to reboot to get things back to normal.

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