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Two (minor) annoyances with new Sparky install

Started by toothandnail, June 18, 2016, 01:54:39 PM

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I recently installed a new copy of Sparky. Looks nice, and works well. With two minor exceptions. The first is in lightdm when attempting to log into the system. I find I need to wait a few seconds before typing my password, since the display "jumps" a few seconds after it first appears, and if I start entering my password before the "jump", parts of it get lost. Never seen that before. Anyone else seeing this?

Second, on first login, a short while after the desktop opens (sorry, should have mentioned - Xfce is my DE of choice), the screen will lock, even though I have screen lock set for 10 minutes. It only happens the first time, but I've yet to find any reason for the glitch - time is correct, and I can't see anything else that might cause this.




Display jumps or just small password window jumps ?
Hmmm... maybe something with resolution or another process that gets conflict . I will recommend to play e little bit with LightDM GTK+ Greeter . Install it using Synaptic package Manager and try to configure LightDm.

The second issue.... I had problems with Xscreensaver. I googled a lot. Seems that Xscreensvaer is not so much compatible with Debian or XfCE.Xlock would be my preference.
I installed Xlock instead of Xscreensaver, but because of cursor dissapearing during unlocking,I returned to Xscreensaver. In fact you need to play a little bit with Xscreensaver configuration file.I have tried a lot of suggestion but, not luck. A big issue is locking of screen during playing of videos.
I tried many recommandations and I have get not any solution. At last I installed lighton script.
Try to play or to see if it s a wrong value in xfce4-power-manager. Start xfce4 settings editor from terminal using > xfce4-settings-editor.
But before playing make a backup of the file xfce4-power-manager.xml located in /home/YOUR_NAME/.config/xfce4/xfconf/.

Hope that helps.

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