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Sparky 5/Custom Kernel - Problem with installing x64 applications through Apptus

Started by Usucra, October 22, 2017, 03:26:59 AM

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I recently got a new Graphic tablet and needed to rebuild a Kernel with driver patches from source to get it working, now my Kernel is missing the "amd64" suffix and everytime I try to install Chrome or Teamspeak it either tries to install the 32bit version or denies the Installation due to missing 64bit support of the Application.

I currently work around it by modifying all sparky Applications with the following commands:

find /usr/lib/sparky* -type f -exec sed -i 's/ARCH=`uname -r | grep "amd64"/ARCH=`arch | grep "x86_64"/' {} +
find /usr/bin/ -type f -exec sed -i 's/ARCH=`uname -r | grep "amd64"/ARCH=`arch | grep "x86_64"/' {} +

is there another way to work around this issue?

Thanks in advance.


Quote from: pavroo on October 22, 2017, 10:59:28 AM
Check here for example:

it's not that I am trying to run a 64 Bit application in a 32 Bit environment. Sparky's arch check checks only for the Kernel name (ARCH=`uname -r | grep "amd64") and not for the actual Architecture of the running system (ARCH=`arch | grep "x86_64"). And my Questions are:

Is there a reason for this strange kind of checkup? Because when the Debian developer decide to change the naming scheme or if you want to add support for Different architectures (armel/armhf/arm64) for Sparky this behavior would break anything.
And if there is a reason for this kind of arch check, is there a way to Spoof my current Kernel name?

Thanks in advance


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