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upgrade breaks sparky-aptus-upgrade sudo password is denied / invalid

Started by galen, May 24, 2016, 01:53:46 PM

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after recent upgrade
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
do work
sparky-aptus-upgrade denies login,
it reports invalid password
The LXDE panel icon runs
remsu /usr/bin/sparky-aptus-upgrade
and it reports invalid password when correct password is entered
XMPP: galen@jabber.at  Twitter: in limbo   [email]godfree2@mastodon.social[/email]
Secular Humanist, progressive, antifa, goodness without godness


Do you have separated root password?
If yes, remsu uses the root password (su) instead of sudo.
Did you reboot after upgrade and try run the upgrade tool again?
Upgading systemd needs rebooting the service sometimes to work fine.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


my fault as I face palm,
I have a root password setup which I had forgotten that I did setup
XMPP: galen@jabber.at  Twitter: in limbo   [email]godfree2@mastodon.social[/email]
Secular Humanist, progressive, antifa, goodness without godness

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