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Removing package without dependencies

Started by spylinux, March 12, 2015, 11:46:29 PM

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I do a fresh install of Sparky 3.6 Xfce in Virtualbox, and after i finish the install, i try remove one game of the installed list.
But, when i try to remove, with apt-get remove name_of_game, the APT remove many packages and other games that i not tell it to remove.

How can i remove Only the package that i want, equal other distros, like fedora, arch, and many others..

Thank you!


All the games preinstalled as default are a part of gnome-games package.
If you remove one of them, APT will clean up rest of the games.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Thnak you @pavroo.
Just one more doubt...if i want to uninstall/remove gnome-games, they remove only games, or I run the risk of removing more things that i want?



No, everything will be fine.
Simply remove gnome-games and clean up after.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


OK, thank you @pavroo, for the tip!



Hello all, hi spylinux,

A good way to do this is so:

sudo apt-get remove --purge gnome-games ; sudo apt-get clean ; sudo apt-get autoclean

T+ + Bye

Sorry my bad english, i'm brazillian and use translate google.


I believe this will also remove Gnome as well


Quote from: moldor on May 14, 2015, 11:13:03 AM
I believe this will also remove Gnome as well

You got me, I couldn't stop laughing after I read your post.
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