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Can I install GameOver edition from MinimalCLI?

Started by roke2468, June 14, 2017, 10:29:28 AM

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I am limited to installation from CD only. I cannot use DVD or USB.

So how can I install GameOver edition from MinimalCLI somehow? Can this be done?

Please advise. Thanks!


You have two choices:
1. Install the minimalcli + your favorite desktop.
After the first run, upgrade system and install 'sparky-meta-game' package.

2. Download and burn on a cd PLOP small iso (280MB about) www.plop.at/en/ploplinux/downloads/live.html
Copy sparky gameover to usb.
Boot from cd drive (plop) which runs sparky from usb.

More info is on our wiki: https://sparkylinux.org/wiki/doku.php/boot_old
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Sparky-meta-game package looks to be just the ticket. Thank you.

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