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OK, here it goes again, sparky borked after system upgrade

Started by ElQuia, June 18, 2016, 02:16:10 AM

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Pavroo sparky borked after system upgrade:

Loged on to sparky kde (plasma) did an system upgrade with sparky tool, downloaded 419 MB of stuff, rebooted, when getting to login screen sparky went command line, did startx, (no options) gave credentials, system went direct to an xfce (well, sort off.... some "primitive" xfce)
If I log off it goes command line



I strongly urge you to follow other sources of upstream development of KDE.  It is in very heavy development. 

Maybe you hit the QT 5.6.1 transition.   

It has been about 5 days. 

That is just a wild guess, as you have not included any code from your dist-upgrade to aid in diagnosis. 

Search forum for "More info easier via inxi"    If requested -  no inxi, no help for you by  me.


uhhhh  ::) I don't know what "code from your dist upgrade" is or how to get it ¿help?

just booted (now as I write) the notebook in question, instead of login screen, it goes directly to full screen console
do login (user/pass), do startx,
an xfce session starts
do apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade (I am on testing, or I was at least till this problem)
Nothing to ugrade
Logout, goes again to console
go sudo, do reboot
reboots in to proper login screen, select plasma o lxqt and go, glorious graphic session
Do sparky upgrade tool (system upgrade, always on testing), now downloading 16 mb of stuff
Restart system (remember it´s a multiboot, Windows 10, Linux LXLE, Sparky, all 64 bits, grub manages linux boots, latest installed lxle)
graphic "shut down" does not work, go to console, do sudo reboot
reboots to proper graphic login
select plasma, go, all OK
now go down for reboot to other os, lxle, this time graphical shutdown responds ok
Start notebook, went to linux lxle, did upgrade, nothing to upgrade
reboot, go to windows 10, did some chores, internet, office & stuff
reboot again in to sparky -
GO ROOT, login, do startx a pure debian xfce
Log out, console again, being root go for reboot
NOW proper login screen
select lxqt this time (just to try)
log off, proper graphc login to plasma (this new plasma takes SOME time logging in)
reboot (graphic kde reboot)
eureka, proper graphc login screen, went for last default , plasma
reboot again to windows
restarted to sparky graphic login to plasma everything OK


(yes I DID update grub from lxle after massive sparky dist upgrade)

IDEAAAAS?????????????  :o :o


The trasition to Plasma 5.6.x is tricky :)
Every part of the desktop can not work propperly, including login screen (if using sddm).
I just can confirm, that, the Plasma log out/reboot/poweroff stopped working.
Have to wait for fixing, having a loooong drink :)
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Quote from: pavroo on June 21, 2016, 10:04:25 PM
The trasition to Plasma 5.6.x is tricky :)
Every part of the desktop can not work propperly, including login screen (if using sddm).
I just can confirm, that, the Plasma log out/reboot/poweroff stopped working.
Have to wait for fixing, having a loooong drink :)

yep, I know (the tricky part ja) more me being on testing, but well, a guy's got to have some fun eh? ;D

1- don't know what sddm is, I thought login screen was Desktop "agnostic" ?
2- ¿is there a way to avoid login screen trouble? if there were I can always fall back to lxqt between plasma "spasmodic borks".....
(it is so non pratical having to login in via console, logging out, rebooting and loging in to get a decent plasma/kde desktop, I  mean... it IS sort of bothering....  :o )


Quotedo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade (I am on testing, or I was at least till this problem)
Unless you changed your /etc/apt/sourcelist.d/  sources, you are still on testing.   ## note that is an example of using a quote  - use the button on use the xml.

I would strongly urge you to go with apt-get dist-upgrade -d  and then after looking at what it downloaded - scroll back and remove the "-d" and then complete the dist-upgrade.  the "-d" tells apt-get dist-upgrade to only download the files and stop. 

QuoteI don't know what "code from your dist upgrade" is or how to get it ¿help?
There is a button that if you hover over it with the mouse it says "Insert "code"  From the terminal highlight the text involved starting with apt-get dist-upgrade until the end of the function.  Then to copy the highlighted text in  the terminal  depress Ctl-Shift-C  .  Copying (and pasting) from the teminal is different from the gui,  Ctl-Shift-C instead of Ctl-C. 

Go to the reply window and click on the code button.  Then paste the text into the reply window in between the xml tags.  Preview your results.

There is a great example of how to post this code in the Siduction forum around June 10th where 300 programs was going to be removed after a dist-upgrade for someone using KDE, they hit "N", copied it and posted to Siduction to warn others and for others to discuss.

3.  I do not use KDE,  but I do follow a little as I do use LXQT which is also tracking QT5 and uses tier 1 KF5 components from KDE.  It will do you no harm to lurk at the Siduction forum.  Many KDE problems will hit them 5 or more days before it hits testing. They have the buttons to translate from German or English to several other languages.  I know which irc channels to follow for my LXQT.  You can  investigate which channels to watch for KDE.  Note - oftc #debian-next has lately gone on record as not supporting KDE5 problems even for pure debian testing and unstable installations.  Please do not post there for help with KDE5 as they have requested it and Sparky is not "pure" debian.   But it is o.k. to lurk there. 

4.  SDDM versus Lightdm.  SDDM is the planned alternative to Lightdm for KDE and LXQt.  It is being designed to be fully compliant with wayland and weston.  Yes, it is much slower, it has several bugs, especially with umlauts. It needs some work, but it does work.  I use both, but only one per computer.  Until wayland arrives, if you choose, you are probably safe with lightdm.
Search forum for "More info easier via inxi"    If requested -  no inxi, no help for you by  me.


paxmark1, thanks for answering. It has been a long day (GMT -3 down here) and I am dead (been rebuilding a couple of windows servers and a NAS) I´ll see tomorrow if I can grab some time to play, do the dist upgrade -d stuff (previous a full disk image backup) and follow your tips
Off COURSE  ;D I'll be back with more questions!!!

THANKS for having the patience to teach.  ;) 

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