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e19 grievances, mostly about gadgets

Started by rollinbeaver, August 05, 2015, 05:12:40 PM

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i heard about the new e19.7 and rushed to try it out. Installation went without a hitch.

After login taking stock revealed:

  • - on a fresh install, e19 still complains about /opt/e19/lib/enlightenment/modules/cpufreq/linux-gnu-x86_64-ver-autocannoli-0.20/freqset not owned by root:root(it is) or not having u+s perm.
  • - several autostart entries fail to start silently.
  • - Appmenu gadget remains empty and unclickable for configuration, but
  • + Appmenu gadget is available(!)
  • - Systray gadget remains empty and without option for configuration, but
  • + Systray gadgets moving with other moving gadgets seems fixed (finally!)
  • * The old "losing of windows' focus" i didn't experience now; so maybe that's fixed
I'll wait for the next update or revert (again) to e17. For now, even without the blazingly fast "run everything", LXDE is my frugal friend.
-- rollinbeaver
best regards, ever rollinbeaver


There is 0.19.8 ready now so test in again, please.

The '/opt/e19/lib/enlightenment/modules/cpufreq/linux-gnu-x86_64-ver-autocannoli-0.20/freqset' is owned by root for sure, but it has strange chmod: 555 (r-xr-xr-x). I will try to change to the default 755 and check it out next time before packaging. You can do it too and let me know does it work well.

The systray gadged stopped working in e18 so I added minimalistic LXDE panel with tray only to the e19 spins.

Setting chmod u+s,a+x (4755) solved the freqset problem.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Re: e19.8

It's grown worse.

  • - Startup Applications don't.
  • - Application start dialogs (Opera) show up blank
  • - Systray still empty. No wonder if they left it thus in e18. How do i get to your Panel, actually?
  • - Appmenu still empty and unclickable
  • - .../freqset still has 555 root:root. IMHO 4555 (additional u+s) would be enough, though.

Back to basics, i.e. LXDE.
-- rollinbeaver  :(
best regards, ever rollinbeaver


Re: Panel

Ah, read it:
Quote from: pavroo on July 15, 2015, 06:07:43 PM
If works, it should launch itself after next login.

As for the e19 bugs, that should IMHO be a case for the Enlightenment developers' Bugtracker. Do you know where & how to submit bugs?
-- rollinbeaver
best regards, ever rollinbeaver


As I remember well, Jeff Hoogland the Bodhi founder submited the bug to E team a few years ago, but no luck.
As he said at his forums:
QuoteThe systray isn't configurable, it looks like crap and the E team doesn't have an interest in improving it
Talking about icons problem in the menu - have you tried to change the icon set?
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Sorry my text was in error, could be deleted

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