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razor-Qt to LXQt upgrade

Started by Velvet-Fur, January 03, 2015, 09:11:02 PM

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Hello, Thanks for a magnificent piece of work! Truly a work of art.
share my version, so far..
install Sparky Razor-Qt
install LXQt   http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-lxqt-0-8-on-debian-8-jessie/
( be sure apt-get update after adding new repository )
I have AMD Radeon stuff so [ ddm --force ]
(now have catalyst control center)
May run into GDBus error so (from ivorscott)
sudo apt-get purge lxpolkit
sudo reboot
I have installed on three machines and solid on all, everything works, been a long time and many distributions for this to happen.


Thank's a lot.
It's a nice and fast instruction.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel

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