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Forum Suggestion: Ability to post images as 'clickable thumbnails'

Started by GeneC, August 19, 2014, 03:17:47 PM

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Would be good for the forum and we end users..
Some forums have the ability to add images as 'clickable thumnails" making it easier to preview large images.  I notice (at least on my box) that present images are huge and I have to use scroll bars to see them completely.
The code on Mint forums for example is.

[rimg] [/rimg]



I have installed additional mod.
Now all images will be displayed as thumbs 200x300px.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Good Morning Pavroo (afternoon for you).. :)
Thanks, that is a nice improvement.

Both my Sparky intstalls
1. SparkyXFCE
2.  Sparky Cinnamon 2.2 (Debian SID)

Are running like clockwork.  Thanks for all the hard work.


I am glad to hear that :)
Anyway, you right, it's 4.40p.m :)
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel

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