Hi. I am Douglas Brown, a member of Sandhurst & Yateley Methodist Church (SYMC). I lead a team of four in providing a multimedia service to our church and (on occasion) the wider community.
I have set up this forum username 'SYMC-Multimedia' so that anyone in my team can take over leadership from me. At my age 71, the proverbial bus gets ever nearer!
There are currently four of us in the team, but I suspect that (for the time being) I will be only one to use this forum account. Until someone else needs to take over.
Apart from myself, the rest of the team are fairly new to penguin-land. Conversion was forced upon us by the forthcoming update of Windows 10 -> 11, and the fact that our church laptop is seven years old. The upgrade cost (including a new laptop) seemed prohibitive. Rather than face Church Council, cap in hand, I proposed to the team that we switch to Linux. (Gottta love 'free forever'.)
I picked Sparky Linux because:
- I am not prepared (yet) to reformat the proper church laptop HD.
- The spare laptop (my mother's, RIP) is an ANCIENT Dell Ispiron 15
- Accordingly, I needed a REALLY small fast & lightweight distro on which to run a browser, Libre Office, and OpenLP (church service projection software).
- Of all the qualifying distros I tried, Sparky worked the best on this old steam powered laptop.
Well done Pavroo & any other developers!
Once our Linux trial is over and the team is committed to using Linux, I'll reformat the proper church laptop, install Linux on that, and retire this creaky old kit once more. But I think we'll continue using Sparky, for continuity & familiarity. If the team knows it and it works, why change a winning formula?
On that day, I expect Sparky will be even quicker on the proper laptop (even though 'only' seven years old).
Anyway, that's me and that's us. See you around in the other forums. (emoji: waving hand)