SparkyLinux Forums

Software & hardware support => Desktops => Topic started by: facciofinta on April 02, 2020, 01:11:45 PM

Title: [SOLVED] Openbox. how to customize menu with Openbox Menu Generator
Post by: facciofinta on April 02, 2020, 01:11:45 PM
without Openbox Menu Generator I have always insert the menu imtes in /home/USERNAME/.config/openbox/menu.xml/ like this:
<item label="File Manager">           
<action name="Execute">               
<command> thunar </command>           

where can I add now some customized items?
and if I decide that I don't like the sparkylinux menu (I would like to have without icons) how can restore an original openbox menu?

Title: Re: Openbox. how to customize menu with Openbox Menu Generator
Post by: facciofinta on April 04, 2020, 09:12:22 AM
Can I add customized menu items in /home/USERNAME/.config/openbox/menu.xml/ or will the Openbox Menu Generator erase them at next openbox start?
Title: Re: Openbox. how to customize menu with Openbox Menu Generator
Post by: facciofinta on April 04, 2020, 04:11:17 PM
wow, I've not a big help from community!
However, I've done it.
Look at file ~/.config/obmenu-generator/ and add an item inserting:
{item => ['pmrp-vlc', 'Radio Player', 'radio']},
(exec, name, icon)
before the "Default Categories".
There are also a lot of adding possibilities:

To set a dynamical version of the Root Menu, put the following in the terminal (leaving out "-i" if you want an icon-less menu):
    obmenu-generator -p -i
    obmenu-generator -p

(the second one if you don't want the icons, like me!)