SparkyLinux Forums

Software & hardware support => Newbie questions => Topic started by: david on August 01, 2017, 07:55:39 PM

Title: questions about Sparky linux OS latest DVD
Post by: david on August 01, 2017, 07:55:39 PM
Hi Sparky users,

I just heard of Sparky linux this morning.   I posted my introduction here.,4031.0.html
Now I am thinking of trying Sparky linux.    Its screenshots look good.
I just have a few questions before I decide if Sparky is right for me.
From searching this forum, I see that Sparky has the 6.X gcc compiler.  I didn't see answers to my other questions.

So here they are:

Is the most recent LiveDVD based on Debian "stable" or on Debian "testing" ?

Is the user experience with this LiveDVD based on LXDE or on another desktop
environment?   Do I get to choose ?    I am a KDE fan, and am wondering if I have to install the OS in order to see and interact with its version of KDE.    KDE-Plasma is okay too.

Is it okay to run APT commands (for example, #apt-get upgrade, #apt-get update, #apt-get install <packagename>) in addition to sparky-aptus scripts, or will that break the system?

What version of octave is included ?


Title: Re: questions about Sparky linux OS latest DVD
Post by: pavroo on August 02, 2017, 12:14:32 AM
Hi David
Sparky, in general, is based on Debian testing, but...
Starting this year, there are also sparky iso images of Debian stable "Stretch" based and compatible.
To choose stable line, simply do it by the download page:

If you would like to get different desktop environment then you can find on the download page, choose MinimalGUI or MinimalCLI iso image and install any desktop you like, via the Advanced Installer
Otherwise, you can install any desktop after, via APTus-> Install-> 'your desktop' or just APT or Synaptic.

Sparky is based on Debian, so find most packages version using Debian's service: