SparkyLinux Forums

Development => Suggestions => Topic started by: Praxis on January 31, 2017, 02:26:33 AM

Title: I love SparkyLinux 4 5 3 Rescue x86 64 but...
Post by: Praxis on January 31, 2017, 02:26:33 AM
...I have a few suggestions.

1. No rescue image is complete without some way to test a hard drive, smartmontools and gsmartcontrol should come by default. I didn't notice if memtest was in the boot menu, I'm typing from the live image, but that would be great, as well.

2. vi?  First thing I always do with a new install is set up vim, at least. And emacs would be great, too, for them that uses 'em.

3. A few extra packages that would be nice are system-config-lvm, system-storage-manager, baobab, disk-manager, gnome-disk-utility, I could think up a few, but especially the first one, it makes it much easier to rearrange lvm partitions.

4. midori?  Not even qupzilla?  The image is 1.1 GB, too big to fit on a 1 GB USB stick, I wouldn't mind a slightly more full-featured browser.

5. Setting the clock to UTC rather than Warsaw time would also be less confusing. Not that I don't love Warsaw, I visited it during Solidarnosc time in '81, quite the town.

Of course none of that would matter if I could somehow save my changes to the USB stick.  I don't immediately see a way to do that.  Maybe if it had some of the software you guys use to make custom spins I could add my own hosts file, .bashrc aliases, programs, etc.
Sparky provides two tools to make custom iso images:
- Sparky Backup System
- Custom ISO Builder

Anyway, I love the image, especially having clonezilla, redobackup, boot-repair, ophcrack, etc. all together on one image.  I'll kick a few zlotys in the digital can when I'm sitting in front of my own computer.

Edit: Also, having reboot or shut down as the default in the Exit dialog might make more sense than logout.