SparkyLinux Forums

Software & hardware support => Hardware => Topic started by: dass on December 03, 2016, 02:42:49 PM

Title: about wifi
Post by: dass on December 03, 2016, 02:42:49 PM
i lost the wifi in a netbook asus eepc 1000he   is posible to fint driver in repositories? The problem is i dont know what tipe of wifi component is ( the wifi driver  name) of the computer. Or what is i know realtek is one of most used. anyone here have an idea?
Title: Re: about wifi
Post by: paxmark1 on December 03, 2016, 06:26:17 PM
Was you wifi stable prior to a recent  "apt-get dist-upgrade" (or "apt full-upgrade")?

I replied, but the server ate it.   The Debian transitions page about libxtable12  is probably gone also.;package=libxtables12  Also check out the connman page if you use that. 

Have you tried ethernet if you have an ethernet jack?  When you go up and down with ifupdown - what happens.  What does ifconfig say about ifconfig enpsblah or ifconfig wlan0? 

Some people post lspci -nn with a possible grep piped on after, I like

inxi -N

Loss of wireless or even network happened to several in sid, I had bugs twice in connman in sid with siduction upstream sources of connman.  Sparky box with connman has not had a problem,

EDIT:  what does "apt show libxtables12"  and "apt show libxtables11"  show.