So, tax return time and I'm planning on rebuilding my PC. Along with that I figured it was a good time to reexamine what distro I was running. I have been running one distro or another for a number of years but I really haven't dug much into linux so I still consider myself a newb to it. I know enough to get in trouble I guess. Anyway, my latest and longest running distro was a gentoo based version called Sabayon which worked well for awhile, but I started having errors. I couldn't boot the latest version, the toolbar had a bunch of errors on boot, the audio needed to have a switch turned on every time I booted, and wine, very recently, stopped running
So I looked at a few things, tried Kubuntu (I do like the xfce desktop) but couldn't get to work on that either and just yesterday decided that this version called solydx was worth installing. That had play on linux preinstalled but that gave me just enough hope that I could figure it out but never did seem to want to run the blizzard games correctly.
So I'm really hoping you guys are going to be what I'm looking for. Of course I'm installing the "Gameover" version, which, from what I can tell, comes with both play on linux and wine preinstalled (I never had too much luck with the software installers besides the one that sabayon came with). Kind of a big download, but I'll throw it on an 8gig stick and try it out. Really just looking for something that I can do the basic web browsing, netflix and play some slightly older games (Starcraft 2, World of Warcraft, and maybe some more). Pretty sure Chrome has me covered with netflix and basic web browsing, and I haven't met a distro that couldn't handle that, but the blizzard games seems to be a hang up.
Well, if you did gentoo Sabayon you should be able to deal with the bugs that happen with debian testing. Welcome.