I'm running SparkyLinux 4.0 RC Openbox x86_64 on a Dell Inspriron 1545 laptop (Intel Pentium Dual Core Processor 2.1GHz; 4GB DDR2 RAM; 120 SSD). Love how nimble SparkyLinux runs on this.
My wife's Canon MF4350 should run with Linux and Samba share: it has Linux drivers; other people on the web have gotten it to work; I've gotten it to run on Ubuntu in the past. I hit a wall with my wife's printer though, attached to her Windows 8.1 machine.
Right now under applications, "Print Settings" is showing the printer. My wife's computer's Device URL shows in settings. The Printer "Make and Model" show as "Local Raw Printer." And that's the problem. The printer appears in the "Printing troubleshooter." The "Test Page" won't print.
The "Diagnostic Output" text is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/439o8zbttj6qm6h/troubleshoot.txt?dl=0
I think the problem is that I can't locate the printer in CUPS, so there's no associated ppd file. My next move is to search my wife's laptop for it, but I'm not sure. I don't know why the ppd file would no longer be in CUPS. I know some Linux flavors limit the size of the printer database, leaving it to users to add for their own printer via Apt or Synaptic. (OpenSUSE does this now.) I looked on Synaptic and didn't see anything promising.
Can anyone here offer helpful advice? Besides my report here and the Diagnostic "troubleshoot.txt" linked above, my research has yielded these links as most helpful:
https://www.openprinting.org/printer/Canon/Canon-i-sensys_MF4350d ("Canon i-sensys MF4350d")
http://hplipopensource.com/node/230 ("There is no listing in CUPS or my printer installation tool for the exact model number of my printer")
http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1427330 ("Canon MF4350d - Printer Scanner setup [SOLVED]" (2010))
http://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/openprinting/databasebasicprintingfaq#What_does_PPD_stand_for.3F ("database/basicprintingfaq" (2009))
Haha. I forgot these commands in the print driver's Debian folder:
dpkg -i cndrvcups-common_2.40-2_amd64.deb
dpkg -i cndrvcups-ufr2-us_2.40-2_amd64.deb
Now it appears in CUPS.
*sigh* Apologies