I don't remember when, may be an year ago or two. I was using Open Suse 13.1 and I changed some setting because I read somewhere on Internet that it will tweak the system. Well, it back fired and the Operating System doesn't start any more.
In the boot screen ( I don't know what to call the screen with count down where you have options to choose )
there was an option... I don't remember the option name. When I selected the option that was some X-... something like a rescue mode
When I selected the option... the system booted without any problem the file I changed has the same new code and then I deleted the new code
and applied or saved old code and rebooted and the OS started working with all the other tweaks.
I wish this
Default Mode or Rescue Mode or Safe Mode
is available on Sparkylinux.
So you install Sparkylinux and it is good to go for the rest of your life.
I just love the option.
I hope it happens.
Thanks friends.