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Introduction / Hello World!
Last post by Spike_DE - January 20, 2025, 09:32:20 PM

i'm Lars, using Linux since 1997  :-)

I like fast, lean systems based on debian. Debian is too lame, sid is too bitchy. So I wanted to try unstable ;)

I like it very much so far.
Deutsch / Re: Hallo
Last post by sparto - January 14, 2025, 06:49:57 PM
o.K.  o.K.  das war es dann.

Entweder gibt es dieses Forum nicht mehr
oder ich habe was falsch gemacht.

Suche mir nun ne andere Linux Distri--schade!
Installation / Re: SparkyLinux 7.6 Xfce verif...
Last post by nemomen - January 13, 2025, 03:13:42 PM
Hello Pavroo,
I had followed those verification instructions and in all previous cases I had received such a downloads, which were not contained the warning message, but at present case all the repeated downloads and verification of them arrived with it, as I have copied to this post.
However perhaps it is any unimportant message, because the signatures were always received with "Good signature" status....
I had met with that warning message in different forums, so it is known for other persons, but they are unknown for me, so could I trust in them...and in their solutions...
But I can do trust in your point of view and suggestions, this is why I had started this topic - and what about the other Sparkers, had they met with the same warning message?
Thanks your quick respond.
Sparky applications / Re.: "Installing Hiero..."
Last post by bwblock - January 13, 2025, 12:42:50 AM
This afternoon I came across a post made by niftyprose re. the Hiero outliner (see: https://forum.sparkylinux.org/index.php/topic,5569.msg14836.html). Even though it's an old post from 2020, I had hoped to respond to it as I'm the developer of Hiero and a new/updated version of it (2.x, developed in Vala/Gtk3) is now available. The app is hosted on GitLab and it can be downloaded from here. Incidentally, Hiero now has few dependencies and its binary file alone can be copied onto most any Linux distro and it'll very likely run. Given that's the case, all that would be missing is the install of Hiero's icon to the system menu and convenient access to the user guide from its own menu (you'd have to manually copy userguide.hro to the ".hiero" folder that gets created beneath your home folder upon Hiero's first run in order to properly install it). Of course, users of Sparky Linux can also install the app via either of its two available packages. From Hiero's web page on GitLab, you can choose to install Hiero via either the generic Debian package or the .tar.gz archive. Cheers! - Barry
Installation / Re: SparkyLinux 7.6 Xfce verif...
Last post by pavroo - January 12, 2025, 10:09:17 PM
Looks like the sparky iso key is imported, so verify the iso:
Deutsch / Re: Hallo
Last post by sparto - January 12, 2025, 10:05:35 PM
Hallo Sparkys,

wenn ich Euch so nennen darf. Ich finde es ganz toll, das es auch eine deutsche Seite gibt, denn mein english ist mehr als 50 Jahre alt.
Ich tue mich damit schwer wie auch mit PC und den Dingen an sich.

Ich bin schon froh, das ich den Ein/Aus Schalter bedienen kann.

Ich bin das erste Mal hier und schon bitte ich Euch ganz lieb um Eure Hilfe.

Also ich habe schon seit einiger Zeit das : Sparky 5.10.0-33-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.226-1 (2024-10-03) x86_64 GNU/Linux -
es ist  auf einem mini-pc =  lenovo Ideacentre Mini5-i5

Da ich Sparky bisher toll fand,(ich war davor bei LinuxMint) möchte ich auch gerne dabei bleiben.

nen schönen Wochenbeginn wünscht


Ein Bekannter von mir meinte das ich Sparky doch erneuern sollte, weil das hier dann doch gefährlich wird.
Verstehe ich zwar nicht ganz, aber wenn es so sein soll/muss  dann o.K.
Mein Hilferuf ist an Euch, bitte könntet Ihr mir schreiben wie ich da vorgehen soll, ob eine Neu-Installation denn sein muss?  oder ob es auch anders ginge.

Und dann was ich dabei beachten soll?

Sichern der Daten  ja ? oder nein?  aber wenn möglich ohne dem "Timeshift", da hatte ich bei LM schon Probleme

Was braucht Ihr von mir dazu?
Ich freue mich schon auf Eure Antworten 
Installation / SparkyLinux 7.6 Xfce verificat...
Last post by nemomen - January 12, 2025, 11:09:26 AM
Hello Sparkers,
I had downloaded the ISO-file for latest SparkyLinux-7.6 Xfce and when run the verification process, I met such a message, which never before.
In spite of the Good signature and other values like hashes were in order, I am not sure, what to do?
Could anyone furnish me with the information, what does mean the warning message over the words?

2025_Sparky-7.6$ gpg --keyid-format long --import sparkylinux-iso.gpg.key
gpg: WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir '/home/l***/.gnupg'
gpg: key C39D3F722C86EECA: "Paweł Pijanowski (SparkyLinux ISO images key) <pavroo@onet.eu>" not changed
gpg: ***: 1
gpg: ***: 1
***@:~/***/2025_Sparky-7.6$ gpg --keyid-format 0xlong --verify sparkylinux-7.6-x86_64-xfce.iso.sig sparkylinux-7.6-x86_64-xfce.iso
gpg: WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir '/home/**/.gnupg'
gpg: Signature made 2025. Jan. 3., Friday, 23:29:36 CET
gpg:                using RSA key 1F61A0A8478AE18EA3E77CF9C39D3F722C86EECA
gpg: Good signature from "Paweł Pijanowski (SparkyLinux ISO images key) <pavroo@onet.eu>"

Thanks in advance and be healthy
Installation / Re: Saving and reusing existin...
Last post by bushyiii - January 06, 2025, 04:40:35 PM
Your procedure is perfect,it's well thought out. 
Thank you for posting your method
Installation / Re: Saving and reusing existin...
Last post by bin - January 02, 2025, 12:02:48 PM
What you want to do is absolutely fine. But, there are a couple of things that you have to remember. Your /home contains not only all your files and data but also all the configs and other hidden files that make stuff work.
Some of these can be re-used, some not.
Also, linux doesn't remember you as a name but as a user number. So, if I do "id -u robin" it returns user id 1000. 1000 is used by nearly all linux distros as the starting point for user ids, but not all.
That can mess things up doing what you suggest as all the files will have the wrong permissions.
Depending on how the installer is configured it may be that in your case it sees your current home is fully populated and therefore doesn't do anything else.

I use the method you have described all the time. However, what I do is to boot the live/installer medium, then use that to access my hard drive. I then navigate to my /home and rename my home folder using the move command mv. So it would be as shown in the linked image - that's on pcloud. Move - Rename homeAs you can see I have booted off Sparky KDE and accessed the drive via the file manager.
If I had hit enter then my /home would have been renamed. I would then proceed with the installation using manual partitioning as you do.
I set up the user from scratch using my normal user name and once installation is complete I then move what I want from the robinold folder to my new robin folder.
As always - you should always have a full backup before doing this.
Newbie questions / Re: OpenVPN save files ovpn ar...
Last post by galen - January 01, 2025, 04:17:16 PM
needed networkmanager-openvpn-gnome

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