SparkyLinux Forums

General => 0ther => Topic started by: paxmark1 on May 27, 2019, 05:55:39 PM

Title: Decreasing involvement.
Post by: paxmark1 on May 27, 2019, 05:55:39 PM
I am glad to see others posting  with knowledge.

My actual hard metal, spinning rust Sparkies are all 32 bit, which of course are not going to be supported.  I will keep them as Sparky until I don't. A year?  more, - will see how it handles the flood after Buster goes stable. 10 year old hardware can also go #! quickly also.   The .config for the terminals, and other things in Spaky is really spot on, the right amount of flexibility. etc. 

I will still comment occasionally reply , systemctl, journalctl, dpkg-reconfigure tzdata,    etc.  But I won't spend 1/2 a day trying to get BSPWm up  on Sparky and find that I3 goes on in 15 minutes. etc.  I won't go searching for the things that should have already been searched.  But doing less.  But as they say "less is more". 

So - I went with Stretch in 2016 for a year while it was still in testing for my main computer.  And I am moving to Buster as I type.  I might try out the new 64 bit Sparkies in virtual and kick the tires of 6.x   

Sigh, I can't believe Debian still does not automatically set etc/systemd/jounrnald.conf  for "Storage=persistent" instead of the automatic.  You have to mkdir for automatic.  Done.  My 2 main pieces if advice - install inxi and remember "inxi -Fxx"   and set to automatic to enable journaling in systemd   journalctl-b -1   | grep blah      is your friend in times of trouble.

peace out.

Title: Re: Decreasing involvement.
Post by: lami07 on May 29, 2019, 09:50:17 PM
Hey paxmark. It's way to early to pack your bags and say good-bye. Sparky stable branch will continue to support 32 bit architecture.