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Started by brogild, March 23, 2025, 01:41:54 AM

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Hi forum. I have been a user of Lilidog (an Openbox distro inspired by Bunsenlabs, in turn inspired by Crunchbang), but that is not going to be supported for much longer and I want to stick with Openbox. I was planning to build a Lilidog clone off of plain Debian when Trixie drops but Sparky fits the bill for me. I would like the option to use the Debian installer before booting into live but Calamares seems to be working ok so this isn't a big issue for me.

 Being an Openbox fan the MinimalGUI is perfect for me to build upon, the minimal version of Lilidog (Beardog) was a bit too barebones so I used the full version, Sparky gets it just right IMO. Looking forward to Trixie..



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