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Started by jnwright, February 28, 2025, 10:15:29 PM

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I'm using Sparky 7.6 Stable version.
I installed Systemback, ran it and selected 'Live System Create'.
I named the file mysparky.
It created the file mysparky.sblive in the home folder.
I then wrote mysparky.sblive to a USB drive using Live USB Creator.
Then I rebooted, pressing the key for the boot options menu
like I always do when booting to a live USB distro, but
the USB did not show up on the menu.

What did I do wrong ?
Well, I overlooked the 'Write to target' selection.
I did that and it wrote mysparky.sblive to the USB.
Then, the USB was in the boot menu and it booted up.

But there was no option on the Desktop to install.
Do I need to need to install an installer to my Sparky OS
and then do another 'Live System Create'.

Then would I be able to use the installer on the live USB
to install the live USB to a hard drive ?
I think that I have it worked out now.
I installed the Calamares installer (it shows in the menu as Sparky Installer)
I did the 'Live System Create' again, wrote it to a USB, and now
I am able to install the live USB to a drive.
So, all is well, works great !

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