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fresh install: during start "failed to start lightdm.service" message

Started by facciofinta, December 10, 2024, 09:57:45 PM

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Hi, I installed Sparky Linux 7.5 MinimalGUI amd64 version on a SD-card.
The start locks and a "failed to start lightdm.service" message appear.
What can I do?
I tried to install Sparky Linux twice on the same SD-card.
md5/sha sum is ok.

thanks in advance!


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I made a google search → https://www.debugpoint.com/failed-to-start-lightdm/ where it was said to do:
systemctl status lightdmResult:
Loaded: (/lib/systemd/lightdm.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit code) since...
Process: 737 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/lightly (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Warning: some journal files were not opened due too insufficient permissions
Then I checked
sudo journalctl -xeHere some "red" warnings:
Lightdm[611]: error getting user list from org.freedesktop.accounts: gdbus.error:org.freedesktop.dbus.error.serviceunknown: the name org.freedesktop.accounts was not provided by any .service files
Lightdm[611]: could not enumerate user data /var/lib/lightdm/data: error opening directory var/lib/lightdm/data : no such file or directory
Systemd[1]: lightdm.service: failed with result exit-code
And now? What can I do?


Honestly, I have put the link to DDG (with five thread links [SOLVED]), because my knowledge in this matter is simply non-existent.

Therefore, as I have said, I do not know what you should do. I hope, that someone with more knowledge / skills, can provide you
 the solution to the problem.

Cheers !! 

➤ Want to know how you can use a program you have never used before? "man" will be your best new friend! Type "man <pkg-name>" in a shell.
➤ Or, point your browser to "manpages.debian.org/<pkg-name>" .... RTFM !!!

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