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Hello! And Good Bye??

Started by kjellinux, September 18, 2024, 01:37:35 AM

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I'm on a quest to find out which are the best Linux distributions for giving old low spec computers a new life. In the process, I have tried many distributions and I have visited many user forums. In no other forum have I been as spitefully met as in this.

When I register to a forum, I read the rules. The rules of this forum aren't very different from most others. Let me quote parts of them.

"The main rule is: be polite, be helpful."

"We've All Been Green

We have all been a newbie to GNU/Linux. Some users are harder to help than others, but remain respectful.

Assume a user is green unless otherwise certain. Provide detailed instructions and avoid technical jargon, slang, and procedures we take for granted.

If you are unsure of your instructions, or the instructions carry a risk - tell the user this."

Given these rules, I was unpleasantly surprised over how I was met when I made my first post here in the forum. A distribution is never better than its forum. If the way I was met in my post is in any way indicative of what I can expect if I post again, I will certainly not stay for long. Neither will I be particularily prone to recommending Sparky Linux to anyone.


yeah. i agree user Axl was rude to you.  he expected you to understand the issue, the code, and correctly apply the fix.  he was very short to you.

goodbye dude.  I agree that being really short to people is a good way to get people to leave, but I'm not going to make an issue about it. 

You learned what the priorities of the project were- and what they expected from the users... you only got called a fool once. 

Quote from: AxL on September 18, 2024, 12:42:51 AMI don't remember me asking about your opinions. So, stop making a fool of yourself once and for all ...

:) you got off easy.

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