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Nvidia driver installation : impossible !

Started by Tman, September 06, 2024, 10:38:39 PM

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I just installed Sparky 8 Xfce.
I would like to know how to install the latest Nvidia driver.
In Terminal, I typed the following :
sudo apt install nvidia-detect
sudo nvidia-detect
sudo apt install nvidia-driver nvidia-settings
After these actions, I rebooted and after the display of the grub, I got a black screen.
Nothing else !
Cannot do anything else since nothing on the screen !
Please give me the procedure for this Nvidia driver installation.
Thank you for your kind assistance.


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Thank you Pavroo !
Problem solved with a tuto found on Youtube :
1. sudo apt install nvidia-detect linux-headers-amd64
2. sudo apt install nvidia-driver firmware-misc-nonfree
Long live Sparky :) !

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