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need help to install wayland on a toughpad

Started by yannig, June 24, 2024, 06:39:56 PM

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I got an old 7" toughpad (fz-m1, an i5 rugged tablet), and aim to use it mostly, but not only as a gps. The Gps software (osmand, organic map) are android programs,so i need to install waydroid, so i need to have wayland running.
So could you tell me, the best way to have wayland running on sparky ?
I tried from kde, but gave up the fight. Is it possible from lxqt ?
on my desktop i run sparky with cinnamon and i'm happy with it, so i would be happy not to have to fight excessivelly with new de ...
 as i finally want to make something simple, with some satnav software, librewolf and tor browser, smplayer, and some basic document viewer. And to have it all working fine on a 7" screen (no tiny little boxes to tick or tiny text to read), mostly without a kb.
thanks already


Just stopped by after awhile.   

Can you handle tiling? Sway is a tiling wayland compositor.    You can go with Sway.   LXQT not ready for a little bit longer.   Been awhile since I installed (a couple months before Bookworm went stable.   IIRC I went with out graphics for clean install of sway and then installed LXQT  (Note was to Debian).   My netbooks that had Sparky or Sid are all dead.

I could not get Siduction onto moms ancient Dell Inspiron surplus computer, I will try Sparky.   
Search forum for "More info easier via inxi"    If requested -  no inxi, no help for you by  me.


tilling on a 7" screen, without keyboard ... seems difficult.


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