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Dsiable CapsLock key

Started by wow1968, August 15, 2024, 08:39:40 PM

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I'm new to xfce and SparkyLinux. First impression on Sparky is very nice.

But my thick fingers too often touch the CapsLock key. I want to know if there is an easy way disabling it.
I do not want to install gnome-tweaks as I'm now on xfce.

Any tip is much appriciated.


Well I found a solution myself. This is want I did.
  • Hit Menu - > Settings Manager -> Keyboard
  • Hit Layout
  • "Remove" Use System Default
  • Choose Caps Lock under "Change layout option" choose "a key you never use" under "Compse key"
  • Hit Close

Your done. Caps lock don't act as Caps Lock!

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